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BA in English

English Pragmatics

May 14, 2018  Clicks:

English Pragmatics Course Description


Course Title: English Pragmatics      

Course Prerequisites: English Linguistics  

Follow-up Course Applied Linguistics

Credit: 2

Total Semester Credit Hours: 32          

Lecture Hours: 32              

Experiment/ Computer Hours:0          

Major: English           

Course Description:

English Pragmatics is an optional course for English majors. The object of this unit is to give an introduction to the research object, categories and the significance of pragmatic study. Based on which students should have some idea on current development and basic modes of pragmatic research and enhance the awareness of cross-cultural communication and the ability to communicate appropriately in English.Upon completion of this course, students will be able to better understand the current theories of pragmatics, keep pace with the latest, relevant developments and trends, have an awareness of concepts in pragmatic study, as well as grasping the guiding principles of pragmatics in English language study and teaching and know how to put relevant theories of pragmatics into actual classroom instruction and real-life communication.


Textbooks and Course Materials:

1. 何自然. 语用学与英语学习[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

2. 何兆熊. 语用学概要[M].         上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1989.

3. 钱连冠. 汉语文化语用学[M].   北京:清华大学出版社, 1997.

4. 熊学亮. 认知语用学概论[M].   上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.


Written by: Yan Minfen